Tag Archives: radicals

Lives matter

Deputy Darren Goforth is pictured in this undated handout photo provided by the Harris County Sheriff's office, August 29, 2015. REUTERS/Harris County Texas/Handout via Reuters

My daddy used to have a saying of ‘enough is enough and too much is right down nasty’.  We have heard this administration with its racism stoking with the representatives sent to the funerals of thugs and hoodlums while remaining silent on white people killed by illegal aliens or when a crazy black person kills two white people on television.  The administration has been silent as the racist group Black Panthers have called for the deaths of all whites and police officers.  This administration has remained silent as Obama’s friend and Muslim racist Louis Farrakhan calls for the deaths of all white people.  Now we are having police officers ambushed like the old Wild West.  These people want to complain about supposed police brutality.  These people are killing police officers for fun on a regular basis.  They want the police to be for ‘people friendly’.  These people have sabotaged their own ‘movement’.

Keep in mind that if these people are willing to gun down armed and trained police officers then they would not think twice about gunning down any innocent person who stands in their way.  Do not question for one minute that these people have brought a war to the streets of America.  Do not question for one minute that the blood of these police officers also cover the hands of Obama and his administration.  This administration blew a chance for helping real change in Iran when the people were protesting in the streets of Iran and wanting change while this administration remained silent not wanting to offend Islam.  This administration encouraged the rioters of Ferguson when they should have remained silent and now must share the blood of the animals that are gunning down law officers.

People have had the veil of naivety stripped away.  The only ones who are able to still possibly think that the ‘black lives matter’ movement is really about promoting lives and that anyone who is not part of the movement are in jeopardy must be living with their heads buried in the sands.  People need to have no question about reality.  These people have brought a war onto the streets of America.  People must also have no question regarding the reality of the situation.  There is no longer any room for fence setters.  Choose which side you are to be a part or it will be chosen for you by people who do not care if you live or die.

For me I chose the side of the Blue Line where good at least has a chance.  I chose the side where people at least want there to be life.  I chose the side where white and black and all other colors wear blue and bleed red.  I chose to stand with law enforcement.  If that put me in the crosshairs of nut-jobs and racist wackos so be it.  They need to be aware that I have no Maranda rights that I must give them.  I have no rules of engagement.  I have no regulations by which I must behave.  If they threaten my life I will, by rule of law, kill them and then go out for a cup of coffee afterwards with no remorse.  I will stand with and defend law enforcement.  I do not desire to harm anyone.  But if these animals want war then there is only one way that I know to have a war and that is to show no mercy, take no prisoners, and give no quarter.  If I have anyone threatening me or my family the bullets in my gun are not racists.  They do not care if they are black or if they might have had some slightest background of slavery in their family lines.

These animals also have the nerve to dare to call on law enforcement when anyone offends them.  They cannot have it both ways.  If they want to threaten and gun down law enforcement do not be surprised if they are going to be slow to respond to their calls for help.

The Gimme society strikes again


I am beyond enraged as I see the ‘gimme’ society at it again in Baltimore. These people appear to never have had to work for anything in their lives the way the love to destroy what others have built. They love to demonize the police when the police risk their very necks for these ingrates. Personally I think the police should all back out and allow the protesters to kill each other. Allow the business owners to bring in their own security and shoot to kill anyone trying to destroy their businesses. I wonder how many of these little idiots are receiving government aid. They seem to have plenty of time on their hands like they don’t have a job to have to attend. So many of these morons would not last ONE DAY in the shoes of a police officer. Yet the same police officers put on their uniform day in and day out to protect everyone, including these mindless pieces of dog poo.

We had this in Ferguson. Now we have it in Baltimore. I wonder where the race baiters are going to plant another violent protest. So many of these types of people do not have any idea what they are protesting about, they just want an excuse to destroy. Mr. Obama where are you now or are you also telling these people to ‘stay the course’? I admit that I am a true and total rebel. I normally do not say it but during the Kent State shooting I was rooting for the State Troopers. Anytime anyone starts throwing bricks, bottles, firebombs or anything dangerous at a police officer I believe he has a right to shoot to kill. Maybe this would get the idea across to start behaving.

I wonder how many of these animals were ever taught respect as a child. Now you have the social scientist say how we are supposed to allow the child to express his creativity by destroying things. I am glad that I grew up during the time when my parents were not afraid to use applied psychology to the seat of learning. I knew that if I crossed a certain line that I would get my butt warmed. It taught me a little thing called respect. I feel bad for the good respectable black people of this country. They must be so embarrassed as to the representation given by these creeps. No concept of right or wrong. But that is what our society is teaching. I do not blame society for these people’s actions. I believe society opens the door for this type of action but it is the individual who decides how they will act. These people do not riot because anything a police officer has done. These people do not riot to make a statement. These people do not riot to help racial equality. These people do not riot to support anything. These people riot because they want to riot. They destroy because they choose to destroy rather than build up. They set things on fire because they do not care enough to help things grow or prosper. These animals seem to want to live in a slum. Maybe that is what they need to have if they keep destroying what others build. I do not think that one dime should go to rebuild Ferguson. If they want it rebuilt then let them pay for it themselves. If Baltimore wants to rebuild then let them do it themselves. There is a budget and live in that budget. All the overtime for the police officers must come out of somewhere. Let it come out of the city budget. If there is no money for social programs then they made their choice and maybe the people who are robbed of the benefit of the social programs should be angry at the idiots who chose to destroy rather than to build up.

The black people who take part in these actions desensitize the world to anything they may have to say that could possibly have merit. I do not care how they are treated if this is how they act. Again, the good people should not have to be punished for these idiots. Help the good people leave the area and use city and state funds for that but not for the morons who are destroying everything in sight. People are getting more angry than caring. If it is a radical anything, they destroy any thought of compassion for those who actually want good change. It does not matter if it is a black person, Muslim, or anyone who might simply want to be left in peace and not painted with the same brush as everyone else. If you want to be considered different, stand out from the rest and be heard. Otherwise, do not complain when no one seems to care about that which you may legitimately see as unjust.