Ever wonder


Our nation seems to be going totally crackers over anything and everything Trump is doing.  Do other people think this odd?  Let’s stop for a minute and consider a few things.  The people protesting are made up of a large number of paid protesters and anarchists.  These are people who must have protesting as their job since they are out day and night.  These are people who, regardless of the ‘reason’ for the protests, have proven a total disregard for law and order through property destruction, arson and assault.  The others who are ‘demonstrating’ against Trump are the elite such as Hollywood and the high priced fashion designers, etc.  These are also a class of people who have no regard for the average person because they have no concept of the average person.  The people who do not seem to be part of the protests are the blue collar workers who go to work every day just hoping to make a better life.  There is another group of protesters which include people who may not be professional protesters nor are the upper class elite but are good hearted people who simply do not do their own research.  Case in point on the latter are those who are all up in arms over the ‘deportations’ but did not also read where those who are being deported have also committed felonies.  It is not simply a roundup of illegals.  It is a roundup of illegals who have committed felony crimes AND are here illegally.  Point of consideration:  If you are just here to build a better life and are fleeing a dangerous situation you do not draw attention to yourself by committing felonious acts.

There has to be a deeper reason for the protest rather than they think Trump is a bad President.  They have not given him enough time to be either good or bad.  They have been protesting even before he took the oath of office.  I believe they fear Donald Trump.  They fear him because he actually wants to put America ahead of anything else going on in this country.  They fear him because he might actually return power to the people and out of the hands of the elite.  They fear him because he might actually start holding people accountable for their actions.  They fear him because he might actually start demanding those who are paid by tax payer money to represent the people to start actually representing the people and not just a party.  They fear him because he might actually defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.  It does not take a rocket scientist to see a particular agenda showing by those who love to protest.  Trump has not done anything that has not already had some sort of precedence already existing.  So the protests are not about the particular actions being taken since they have happened in the past by basically all Presidents with no rioting in the streets.

I am a fan of Clint Eastwood.  There are so many one liners in his movies which stand out it is hard to find a favorite, but there was one in his movie “High Planes Drifter” where the damsel says to the character being played by Mr. Eastwood that he ‘makes people afraid’.  Eastwood’s reply was that ‘it is what lies inside of a man which makes him afraid’.  President Trump is not hiding behind polished words and phrased which are eloquent but without any real meaning or substance.  President Trump simply speaks the truth apart from any political correctness.  He makes people afraid because he reveals what is lying inside of people and the corruption of the system.  As a retired psychotherapist I remember having parents send the teenage children for me to fix.  For example I would have a 15 year old totally out of control child and somehow I was supposed to work miracles.  I would tell the parents that what was lacking was any form of disciple and that disciple should have started pretty close to 15 years ago.  We have a spoiled brat society who has not had any disciple for too long.  Police were handcuffed from being able to enforce the law.  Politicians and lawyers were contacted before the police were able to establish any consequence for breaking the law.  Now those brats are fighting, not against Trump, but against authority that is saying ‘enough’.  These spoiled brats are thinking that if they whine and fuss enough, if they burn and break enough, if they riot and protest enough that things are going to go away and the mean old Mr. Trump who is enforcing consequences will fade away.  I would highly recommend that those of this mindset reconsider things themselves.  There is no small army of citizens who back President Trump.  There is no small army who has had enough of their garbage.  There is no small army who has had enough of their whining and destruction of property.  We the people are fed up with their antics.  We will support our President because for once again we have a President who loves America.  We have a President who wants to do his job in protecting America from enemies both foreign and domestic.  We have a President who actually wants to put America first.  There is a massive army of support standing behind President Trump.  We have spoken and we will not be removed.  These silly little protesters are really, for the most part, too dumb to realize that what they are fighting is nothing else but their own demons.  They are not getting their way and they are blowing up inside.

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